Thursday, March 31, 2011

It's all relative ...

You can feel that someone is the most amazing person in the world, but if they don’t feel it, it won’t matter.

You can be so in-love with someone, but if they can’t understand why, then it just won’t matter…

How do you go about convincing someone that their very soul is coursing through your veins?

How do you get their already discouraged heart to understand that its future will be nothing like its past?

I could take the easy way out and claim, “Oh, in due time…”
But it’s not the length of time it will take that worries me, it’s the space in-between.

No one asks for a swift recovery (things take time)
But I am asking for the willingness to prove every doubt in your head wrong.

Please note; these questions are rhetorical, and I expect no answer.

I just hope the very thought resonates within you enough to believe me.

((Drops Mic))
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