Regardless, it was comical.
Saturday was a cookout thrown by a friend. Decent music, pretty good food, alcohol and silly ass beer games (which i sadly did not partake in). My kids were with me so that was a handful in itself. They don't listen...smh...but the commentary amoungst friends is probably what kept me from exploding.
So, did I have fun?
Saturday night was a different story...
We all went to Red Square... Meesha, Keima, Jovar, Ace, (annnd i forget his name).. and it was dead...
We looked sooo good that we didn't even wanna go in. All we could do was laugh.. But went in of course because we had to show love to Bway. Eventually Bway showed up, we showed love yet didn't leave. I'm still preplexed as to why we stayed...
Pedro showed up (i think when we decided we needed drinks to make the night better) and that was intersting. His mom cooked the best spanish food that I've ever had, hands down. I took a plate to go and put it in the car but not before i tasted it..and it literally made me want to go home, snuggle up in bed, watch TV and EAT!
The night turned out to be quite hilarious because of course, Pedro and Meesha decided to continuously do the 'HA-KEEM.'
smh...fuckin hilarious
My outfit was gorgeous if i might say so myself. The good pictures are on my FB but i can't log in @ work (go figure) so here's the best i can do...

I loooove it! and it looks lovely with my complexion =)
Sunday was filled with shopping! Well, for my kids anyways. Although, I did hit up Aeropostale and found the bathing suit I wanted for $40, and I got it $10!!! Gosh, I LOVE sales!
And Monday was a nice lovely cookout with the family. And by "Lovely" and "Family" I mean, kids drove me craaazy..but since we were with family, it didn't bother me as much.
cute dress!